Skin cancer is a common type of cancer that can often appear in the form of spots, moles, and other lesions. If left untreated, the condition can become highly dangerous. People who are concerned about possibly harmful lesions should have their skin examined by a professional who can advise the best course of treatment. Skin cancer surgery, also called mole removal or surgical excision, is the most common solution to malignant (cancerous) growths in the skin.
Surgical skin cancer removal is performed after getting an accurate diagnosis from a professional. Speak to our qualified doctors at Star Medical in Sydney to receive personalised advice on your condition and possible treatment options.
Types of skin cancer
There are three main types of skin cancer, with different levels of severity. These include the following:
- strongasal cell carcinoma (strongCC) – This is the most common type of skin cancer that strongegins in the strongasal cells. It generally grows slowly and does not often spread to other parts of the strongody. However, it is still important to seek treatment for strongCC, as it can grow deeper into the skin if left untreated.
- Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) – This is the second most common type, starting in the squamous cells. It grows quickly on the top layer of skin and can spread to other areas if it is not found and treated early.
- Melanoma – This is the rarest strongut most dangerous type of skin cancer. It generally appears as a spot that changes in size, shape, or colour over time. It can stronge cured when caught in the early stages.
strongenign moles are another form of skin lesion. Although moles are generally harmless, their presence in the skin can increase the risk of developing cancer cells. As a result, some people may wish to remove moles that could develop into skin cancer at a later stage. If you have further questions astrongout mole removal, contact the clinic and we will provide more information.
If you spot a concerning mole or lesion on your skin, it is important to have it examined by a professional. Getting an accurate diagnosis will alow you to pursue an appropriate treatment.
In order to treat skin cancer in its early stages, you should perform regular skin checks, examining your whole body for unusual, uneven, or blotchy lesions. Then, if you are concerned about any spots, a professional skin cancer check will confirm whether cancer cells are present. Following this, we can decide whether skin cancer surgery is a good idea for your particular case.
Skin cancer removal procedure
The process of skin cancer surgery will vary slightly between patients due to the different sizes, natures, and locations of skin lesions. Prior to the surgery, we will speak to you about what is involved and develop a plan to help you get the best outcome.
Depending on the extent of your cancerous lesion, the procedure can be complex. Some spots can be removed with dry ice (liquid nitrogen), which causes the growth to freeze before eventually falling off. For many patients, lesions are often removed via surgical excision. Your doctor will apply anaesthetic and make incisions to remove the spot, along with a thin border of normal skin to ensure complete removal. Although your doctor will take great care to produce a visually pleasing outcome, the main priority is your health and ensuring the removal of the cancerous lesion in its entirety.
Additionally, skin cancer is not always visible to the eye, and sometimes, cancerous cells can cover a larger region than visible signs would indicate. It is vital that malignant lesions are 100 percent removed, which means after your procedure, we will check your skin to ensure there are no remaining cancerous cells.
Recovery and aftercare
After your skin cancer surgery, your incision site may be sore, and you will need to keep the area clean and protected. You should avoid activities that may aggravate or cause further injury to your incision. As well as this, you should follow aftercare instructions given by your doctor, which may include:
- Refrain from exercise for several weeks
- Keep your incision clean and dry
- Do not smoke or consume alcohol
- Apply any topical medications given by your doctor
Caring for your healing wound will quicken the healing process and give you the most optimal end result.
Risks and complications
There are always risks involved with surgical excisions. Uncommon side effects can include:
- Infection
- Reactions to anaesthetic
- Bleeding
- Poor scarring
- Ongoing pain or swelling
- Damage to underlying tissues
- Further surgery
There is also a risk that some cancerous cells were not removed during surgery, and if this is the case, you may need to undergo another procedure.
Your surgical mole removal at Star Medical
If you have a concerning mole or lesion, the first step to proper treatment is a diagnosis by a doctor or skin expert. Your medical clinician will advise the best course of treatment based on the nature of your skin lesion. If your lesion is found to be cancerous, skin cancer surgery may be a good option for you. Mole removal should only be performed by a professional, and for this reason, you should a qualified doctor such as our practitioners at Star Medical in Sydney. We will answer any questions you may have and help you feel at ease throughout the process.
Frequently Asked Questions
What causes skin cancer?
Skin cancer is often caused by sun exposure. Over a lifetime, our skin is frequently exposed to harmful UV rays that can result in spots, freckles, and moles. Particularly if you have fair skin or are genetically prone to developing skin cancer, these spots can develop into cancerous lesions.
How can I prevent skin cancer from developing?
There’s no concrete way to stop skin cancer, but there are ways to protect your skin and reduce your risk. For example, you should take care not to spend too much time in the sun and always use a high SPF sunscreen when going outdoors.
How do I know if I have skin cancer?
You might be able to spot symptoms by keeping an eye on moles or pigmentations that are large, irregular, or that change over time. However, not all skin cancers are visible to the naked eye, and the only way to know for sure if your mole or skin lesion is cancerous is by having it examined by a medical professional. A doctor at Star Medical will be able to identify any problematic lesions and perform a biopsy to determine whether it contains cancerous cells. You can then have it treated accordingly.
Will I have a scar after skin cancer surgery?
All surgical procedures lead to some amount of scarring. The appearance of your scar will depend on the size and location of the mole to be removed. With the proper care, it will fade over time. Your doctor at Star Medical will give you instructions on how to care for the incision while it is healing so that you can minimise the appearance of the resulting scar.
Is mole removal painful?
Before skin cancer surgery, we will administer anaesthetic to minimise pain and help you feel comfortable.
Why does the surgeon remove a border of healthy skin?
During a skin cancer excision, it is important to remove the whole lesion and ensure that no cancerous cells are left in the skin. Surgeons remove a thin border of non-cancerous, healthy skin to help ensure that all the cancer is removed and reduce your need for further surgery.